Welcome to the Musical Home of
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Updated February 23rd, 1998
Currently featuring over 70 Original Compositions in Midi format
including Jazz, Blues, Latin, Reggae, Calypso,
Funk, Rock, and More !
"Angel Fire" 
~~~ Legalities ~~~
The trademark, "MidiMarvl" and "MidiMarvl Music" are hereby claimed and registered. Feel free to listen to and download any midi file on the following pages for your
Please note that all of the Music, Arrangements, Midi files, and Written Content on this Website
are the sole copyrighted property of MidiMarvl and MidiMarvl Music.
Any other use is STRICTLY PROHIBITED !!!
Coming Soon ... MidiMarvl Music CDs !!!
I am going to produce my own Music CD.
I would like YOU, the Listeners, to help me choose the Songs.
Please send me an e-mail listing your favorites.
Make Your Voices Heard !!!
Special Thanks to Annonymomma for the cool logo !!!
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